
Established in July 2020


Advice & support on a wide range of matters


DMCIC established itself in July 2020 during the C-19 pandemic in response to the increase of challenges the virus presented for people with a hearing loss. For example the use of face masks introduced additional barriers to effective communication, diminishing the ability to lipread and recognise facial expressions, both important tools for people with a hearing loss. A high level of Deaf people became isolated further, often not being able to access services online due to accessibility issues.

During the pandemic we offered monthly BSL social groups online, we quickly adapted all our face to face teaching to online remote learning and we provided consultancy, advice and support on a wide range of matters from employment to accessing health services.

We have worked and continue to work in partnerships with many organisations which include the NHS, Deaf Children’s Mental Health Services, Positive People, Somerset Skills & Learning to name but a few.

We have 4 directors, 3 of which are deaf themselves and 1 who has a family member who is deaf. DMCIC members come from a range of backgrounds and are both deaf and hearing. Members have a voice and support and influence the services we provide.

Diverse group hand in hand
Two women attending art class

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